Pilatus Tango device ==================== This is the reference documentation of the Pilatus Tango device. you can also find some useful information about the camera models/prerequisite/installation/configuration/compilation in the :ref:`Pilatus camera plugin ` section. Properties ---------- This camera device has no property. =============== =============== =============== ============================================================== Property name Mandatory Default value Description =============== =============== =============== ============================================================== host_name No localhost Pilatus computer hostname host_port No 41234 Pilatus camserver port number config_file No /home/det/ Configuration file path, read to get pilatus version (2 or 3) p2_det/config/ and the camera size (height and width) cam_data/ camera.def tmpfs_path No /lima_data Path to the temporary file-system where camserver will store the images =============== =============== =============== ============================================================== Attributes ---------- ======================= ======= ======================= ============================================================ Attribute name RW Type Description ======================= ======= ======================= ============================================================ threshold_gain rw DevString The detector threshold gain (**LOW,MID,HIGH,ULTRA HIGH,AUTO**) fill_mode rw DevString The gap fill mode (**ON,OFF**) threshold rw DevLong The threshold level of detector in eV energy_threshold rw DevFloat The energy threshold in keV (set the gain and the threshold) trigger_delay rw DevDouble The start exposure delay after the hard trigger nb_exposure_per_frame rw DevLong The number of exposure/frame to set an accumulation of frames temperature_humidity ro DevFloat array List of both constants, a detector can have multiple sensors sensor_channels ro DevShort array List of sens channels (refer to Dectris documentation) ======================= ======= ======================= ============================================================ Commands -------- ======================= =============== ======================= ====================================== Command name Arg. in Arg. out Description ======================= =============== ======================= ====================================== Init DevVoid DevVoid Do not use State DevVoid DevLong Return the device state Status DevVoid DevString Return the device state as a string getAttrStringValueList DevString: DevVarStringArray: Return the authorized string value list for Attribute name String value list a given attribute name ======================= =============== ======================= ======================================