LiveViewer =========== This device was create for backward compatibility with former graphical applications used at ESRF by the diagnostic group for the monitoring of the electron beam. It is no longer maintain. Instead we recommend to use the video API provided via the main device LimaCCDs. Nevertheless you will find here the of the available properties, attributes and commands. Properties ---------- ======================= =============== =============== ================================================ Property name Mandatory Default value Description ======================= =============== =============== ================================================ AcquisitionAutoStart No False If true start the acquistion at device startup ======================= =============== =============== ================================================ Attributes ---------- ======================= ======= =================== ====================================================================== Attribute name rw Type Description ======================= ======= =================== ====================================================================== Depth ro DevShort Image depth in byte Exposure rw DevDouble Exposure time in second ExternalTrigger rw DevBoolean External trigger active if true FrameRate rw DevDouble Frame rate in fps Frames rw DevLong Number of frames to acquire Gain rw DevDouble Gain, support depends on the camera model Image ro Image, DevUShort The last image taken ImageCounter ro DevLong The image counter JpegImage ro DevEncoded The last image in JPEG format, only supported for B/W cameras. JpegQuality rw DevLong JPEG quality factor from 0 to 10 Roi rw DevLong,Spectrum The Roi position, start x, start y, width, height State ro State OFF or ON (stopped or started) Status ro DevString "OFF" "ON" (stopped or started) ======================= ======= =================== ====================================================================== Commands -------- ======================= =============== ======================= =========================================== Command name Arg. in Arg. out Description ======================= =============== ======================= =========================================== Init DevVoid DevVoid Do not use Reset DevVoid DevVoid Reset the camera, factory setting is apply ResetRoi DevVoid DevVoid Remove the Roi, camera set to full size Start DevVoid DevVoid Start the camera for live acquisition State DevVoid DevLong Return the device state Status DevVoid DevString Return the device state as a string Stop DevVoid DevVoid Stop the camera live ======================= =============== ======================= ===========================================